Roleplaying with Doctor Who!

“The Origin of Evil”

Cover004b“The Origin of Evil” (1ND04)
by J. Andrew Keith

Game Master: Adam   Player: Brian
Game Date: 13 July 2014

Characters: The Doctor, Selene
Adversaries: The Rani
Allies: Claudius
Time: 20-21 August 43 CE
Space: South Gyrwas, Roman Britain, Earth

Available: IN PRINT

Synopsis: England. 43 A.D. Titus Flavius Vespasian has gone missing and the Second Augustan Legion faces a crushing defeat as its warriors die in waves. The barbarian hordes that oppose them possess uncanny strength and organization. A rogue TARDIS has landed amid this bloody theatre of war and the Roman invasion of Britain has gone terribly wrong. The legionnaires speak in hushed tones of the Sacred Wood of the Britons, the fountainhead of otherworldly evils that has brought chaos to this land and seemingly sealed the fate of the empire. Joining forces with the Emperor Claudius, the Doctor and Selene set forth on an expedition to this fearful place. There, they will face one of the Doctor’s greatest foes, and the terrible secret that she possesses will redefine human history as they know it.

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