Roleplaying with Doctor Who!

Archive for 17/10/2017

“The Age of Prosperity”

“The Age of Prosperity” (5ND02)
by Walt Ciechanowski

Game Master: Adam   Players: Brian, Erin
Game Date: 7 October 2017

Characters: The Doctor, The Master, The Rani, Ori
Adversaries: The Silurians
Time: 7-8 October 1877 CE
Space: Colorado, United States, Earth

Available: IN PDF


Synopsis: The men and women of Prosperity live their lives in the shadow of Sentinel Mountain. Its mines once drew prospectors from across the American West, but the gold has long since petered out, and the hopes and dreams of the people have gone with it. During a visit to the Gold Nugget saloon, the Doctor and Ori learn that the townsfolk are quick to forget their troubles. Their greed for gold has been swapped for a thirst brought on by a snake oil salesman’s promises of health and vitality. And though the Comanches warn of a beast that stalks the nearby hills, the end of gold mining has not brought an end to visits to the mines. Determined to uncover the truth, the Doctor and his companion engage in some prospecting of their own. Together, they learn there are primeval secrets concealed within the caves of Sentinel Mountain, secrets that could mean an end to mankind’s own age of prosperity on Earth!