Roleplaying with Doctor Who!

“Over the Top”

“Over the Top” (3LD02)
by Mark Acres

Game Master: Brian   Players: Adam, Erin
Game Date: 29 January 2019

Characters: The Doctor, Riddell, Flo
Adversaries: The Master, Manfred von Richthofen
Allies: George S. Patton
Time: 19-20 November 1917 CE
Space: Cambrai, France, Earth



Synopsis: France. 1917. In the mud-filled trenches of the Western Front, the Germans, the British, and the Americans face each other in a bitter stalemate. Thousands have died but, for three bloody years, not an inch of ground has been gained. When a trio of strangers emerges from No Man’s Land bearing secret battle plans for a major British tank offensive, Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton knows that the course of the war is about to change. Emboldened by this knowledge and by the extraordinary skills possessed by these outlandish operatives, he charges them with a dangerous reconnaissance mission.

The Doctor, Riddell, and Flo must penetrate enemy lines. There, on a hidden airfield, they discover the source of the strange energies they’ve been tracking since the TARDIS first fell onto this bleak battleground. The Flying Circus of Manfred von Richthofen—the legendary Red Baron—is prepared for the coming offensive, and their Fokker triplanes are equipped with advanced arms representing the wrong World War! It becomes clear that a brilliant but sinister influence has bent Germany’s leaders to his dominating will. The Master is near death, incinerated by the time vortex, stripped of his robotic frame, but as desperate and determined to survive as he has ever been. Soon, he will take a new body, and in that rejuvenated form he will lead Germany to victory in the Battle of Cambrai, corrupting a crucial tipping point in the history of the Great War. The Doctor and his companions will have to take to the skies to correct the course of history—and face the dreaded Red Baron, ace of aces, on the field of combat that he has mastered!

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